It's Community Association Membership Month

The month of March in Calgary, celebrates the awareness of community associations and the value of memberships to those associations. Proclaimed by Mayor Naheed Nenshi, every year we celebrate March Membership Month (MMM).

There are many benefits to being part of a community association, such as volunteer opportunities and the chance to be part of educational and recreational initiatives and social events.

Collectively, the community association network is the largest collective volunteer movement in Calgary with more than 20,000 volunteers strong! Annually, over 20,000 community association volunteers contribute 2.4 million hours of public service, which has an equivalent monetary value of over $28 million. These volunteers operate, manage and maintain facilities and amenities with a value of more than $200 million. [Federation of Calgary Communities]

During March Membership Month, the Federation of Calgary Communities is providing resources and outreach suggestions to Calgarians on the benefits of community association membership. Here’s how you can take part in MMM:
• On Twitter, follow @fedyyc and #MarchMembershipYYC
• There are lots of helpful videos on YouTube such as: “Why Residents Buy In”.
If you’re interested in finding out about your community association, or joining one, check out the Federation of Calgary Communities online.