These summer nights still have us reminiscing about our drive-in movie events at the beginning of June. If you missed it, we had three drive-in movie events at Genesis Place in Airdrie and Genesis Centre in Saddlestone. The events were so much fun and we had such a good time being amongst the community, getting outside and spending time with our family. It was so refreshing to attend an event in real life again after such a long year and raise money for local charities.
Between the three events we had over 175 cars pull up to watch the movies! Our team at Genesis Land and the people from Genesis Place and Genesis Centre were all thrilled to see such a good turnout at the sold out events.
One of the highlights was celebrating a community member’s 5th birthday! He enjoyed a chorus of car honking and celebratory cheers before the first movie started. It was a memorable day for Tomás and his family!
We are happy to announce we helped raise over $5,000 and 105lbs of canned/non-perishables for the Airdrie Food Bank at the Genesis Place events. At the Genesis Centre event, we helped raise almost $3,000 for the Fig Tree Foundation. Both of the charities are beyond grateful for the community support.
Thank you to everyone who came and watched the movies with us. Despite the social distancing and sitting in our own vehicles, we had a great time with you!