Waiting for your new home in The Brownstones of Sage Meadows? Our construction crews are working hard to ensure the utmost quality in the home building process, so here’s an update of where we’re at in the development phase:
Building 5 has now been completed! We are very excited to be helping new homeowners in The Brownstones take possession of their new homes right now.
Building 6 is in the process of having the cabinets installed, and then our crews will be getting started on the painting and flooring for this building.
Building six is in part of stage four of the five stages of development we undergo to build a new home, it’s one of the biggest phases of construction so a lot of work is done at this time. Here’s a look at the process:
If you’re not familiar with some of the lingo we’ve used, check out our Construction Glossary. Whether you’re waiting for your new home in The Brownstones, or are just interested in learning more about this project or the community of Sage Meadows, you’ll find more insight on our website here.