Tomorrow is Family Literacy Day, a day for awareness on the importance of reading and literacy-related activities as a family, the perfect opportunity to explore how to create your own library right at home. If you’re looking to show off your book collection, here’s a few tips on setting the stage for a home library.
- Choose the right room: you can build a library almost anywhere, but keep in mind a few things, like direct sunlight on your books will fade them over time. Also, attics and basements are moist and can attract mould, not to mention basements are prone to flooding too.
- Organize your books: there are several theories on organizing home libraries, but three easy ideas include alphabetizing by author, organizing by subject (history, romance, etc.) or organizing by colour to utilize the decor opportunity.
- Furniture: depending on how many books you have, or where you’ll be putting your library, will largely define what kind of furniture will work the best for your library. Options include: built-in shelving, freestanding bookcases, hanging book shelves or glass cases.
- Accent pieces: now that you’ve organized your books and have somewhere to put them, add some design pieces like book-ends, accents (globes, home decor, etc.), picture frames or antiques.
- Protecting your books: you aren’t the only one who loves books, pests like termites, book lice and rodents are attracted to books as well. Keeping your books free of excess moisture and dust will help keep vermin and insects away. Mould loves moisture, and it can grow in as low as 21 degrees celsius. Some tips to consider include putting a dehumidifier in your library room, and using fans or air conditioners to keep temperatures down.
Looking for some inspiration for designing your home library? We found so many great ideas on Pinterest.
Please feel free to share your home library photos with us on Twitter.