Every year, Pantone announces their ‘Colours of the Year’, and in 2016 they’ve chosen Serenity and Rose Quartz, which are pastel-like shades of blue and pink. These colours give a relaxing, peaceful feeling, and they are subtle enough to not be drastic changes in a home. Here’s some easy ways to incorporate the Pantone Colours of the Year into your home:
- Paint a wall: both of these colours would look great as a feature wall against shades of white, or really go for it in a whole room. Painting is a relatively inexpensive way to transform an entire room. Because these colours are night and light, they will help to brighten up rooms as well.
- Throw pillows: if you don’t like the commitment of painting a wall (or four), swapping out the pillows on your couch or bed will subtly transform the mood of a room and highlight these colours. Remember to complement any subtle transformation with other accent pieces to tie the room together (that’s where the next point comes in).
- Accent decor pieces: bringing in a few accent pieces that show-off these colours makes a bigger impact than you might think. Picture frames, decorative accents, lamps, rugs, etc. The possibilities are endless with this one. Design Milk shared a great list of home accent finds that feature the Pantone Colours of the Year.
- Furniture: if you’re going to go big with these colours this year, a couch or chair in these shades will look really great. And instead of buying new, consider reupholstering an older piece or painting a dresser or shelving unit.
- Art or prints: try to DIY your own art pieces featuring Serenity or Rose Quartz, or you can certainly find some great art ready to go. If you’re a do-it-yourselfer, consider printing inspirational quotes and then framing them in coloured frames, or pulling out the paints and getting creative on your own.
- Flowers: head to your local florist and bring home some flowers in these hues, they will bring a natural touch to your home and also freshen up the air inside too.
- Mugs and vases: you can find great mugs or vases at dollar stores, craft stores or of course, home decor shops. If you like the DIY route, you can create unique mugs or vases and paint them any colour you choose. We’ve got handy how-tos for DIY mugs, vases and much more on Pinterest.
If you want some more inspiration, check out all the great ideas for Pantone’s Colours of the Year on Pinterest. If you find a great way to incorporate Serenity or Rose Quartz into your home, share it with us on Twitter.