In light of the rapidly evolving nature of COVID-19, we want you to know that your health and safety remain our top priority. We are committed to operating in accordance with the government of Alberta’s latest recommendations, as outlined by public health officials.
We have implemented the following precautionary measures to mitigate risk of spread:
- All Genesis office staff are mandated to work from home.
- Genesis head office will be closed to the public.
- Minimizing physical contact through:
- Practicing social distancing
- Eliminating handshakes
- Hosting online vs in-person meetings
- Committing to timely, responsive communication with all staff and stakeholders regarding relevant updates, best practices and implementation of new measures set forth by public health officials.
- Mandating all Genesis staff returning from international destinations undergo a 14-day quarantine period.
- Supporting our builder-partners in their own precautionary measures.
We recognize that things are changing rapidly; Genesis Land is committed to staying informed and adapting to the new realities that may result, so that we can better support your safety.
For additional information please consult the following resources:
- Government of Alberta: COVID-19 information for Albertans
- Government of Canada: COVID-19 Outbreak update
- Centre for Disease Control and Prevention: COVID-19 Resources
- World Health Organization: COVID-19 Updates
We thank you for your cooperation; by working together we believe we can ‘flatten’ the curve.